Beren Saat was born in Ankara on February 26, 1984. Beren Saat finished her primary and secondary education at TED Ankara College after which she went to Başkent University to study Business Administration. Later, in an interview, she stated that she didn't like what she was studying and decided to think about what do with her life, Then she played the lead Yasemin Ünsal in Tomris Giritlioğlu's Hatırla Sevgili which gave her nationwide fame. 

In 2008, she again collaborated with Giritlioğlu in the film Güz Sancısı (Pains of Autumn). The same year Saat played Bihter Yöreoğlu in an adaptation of Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil's classic novel Aşk-ı Memnu set in the modern day. She won back to back Golden Butterfly Awards for Best Actress for her performance.

Tradition has it that Kashmir was originally a lake that was drained by Kashyap and then inhabited by the Brahmins. Buddhism was introduced by the missionaries of Ashoka and flourished under the rule of Kushan in 2nd Century AD. However, Hinduism continued to be the dominant religion. In the 7th Century AD, the Karkota dynasty was founded by Durlabhavarrdhana. In 855 AD the Utpalas replaced the Karkotas. Later, the Tantrins, Yaskaras and Parva Gupta ruled in succession. Didda, a Gupta widowed queen, ruled Kashmir until 1003 AD when the Lohara dynasty took over. In 1346 AD the last Hindu king, Udiana Deva, was replaced by Shams-ud-Din. His family ruled until 1586 when the Moghul emperor Akbar conquered and annexed Kashmir to his vast empire.

In 1757 it was conquered by Ahmed Shah Durrani and became part of Afghanistan. In 1819 Ranjit Singh conquered Kashmir and made it part of his Sikh empire. In 1846, when the British defeated the Sikhs and annexed Punjab, they sold Kashmir to Ghulab Singh of Jammu for Rs. 7.5 million under the Treaty of Amritsar. Ghulab Singh, who entitled himself the Mahrajah, signed a separate treaty with the British which, in effect, gave him the status of an independent princely ruler of Kashmir. He added to his dominion by conquering Ladakh. Ghulab Singh died in 1857 and was replaced by Rambir Singh (1857-1885). Two other Marajahs, Partab Singh (1885-1925) and Hari Singh (1925-1949) ruled in succession.
Ghulab Singh and his successors ruled Kashmir in a tyrannical and repressive way. The people of Kashmir, nearly 80% of whom were Muslims, rose against Mahraja Hari Singh's rule. He ruthlessly crushed a mass uprising in 1931. In 1932 Sheik Abdullah formed Kashmir's first political party - All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference (renamed to National Conference in 1939). In 1934 the Maharajah gave way and allowed limited democracy in the form of a Legislative Assembly. However, unease with the Maharaja's rule continued.

According to the instruments of partition of India in 1947, the rulers of princely states were given the choice to freely accede to either India or Pakistan, or to remain independent. They were, however, advised to accede to the contiguous dominion, taking into consideration the geographical and ethnic issues.

In Kashmir, however, the Maharajah hesitated. The principally Muslim population having seen the early and covert arrival of Indian troops, rebelled and things got out of the Maharajah's hands. The people of Kashmir were undoubtedly demanding to join Pakistan. The Maharajah, fearing tribal warfare, eventually gave way to the Indian pressure and agreed to join India by 'signing' the Instrument of Accession on 26th October 1947. Kashmir was provisionally accepted into the Indian Union pending a free and impartial plebiscite. This was spelled out in a letter from the Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten, to the Maharajah on 27th October 1947. In the letter, accepting the Accession, Mountbatten made it clear that the state would only be incorporated into the Indian Union after a reference had been made to the people of Kashmir. Having accepted the principle of a plebiscite, India has since obstructed all attempts at arranging one.

Heavy fighting took place in 1947-48 between the Indian and Pakistani forces over Kashmir. On 1st January 1949 a cease-fire was declared which created the first Line-of-Control. 

In 1957 the state was, in effect, incorporated into the Indian Union under a new Constitution. This was done in direct contravention of the standing UN resolutions and the conditions of the Instrument of Accession. The article was rushed through by the then puppet state government of Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed; people of Kashmir were not consulted.

Heavy fighting broke out again in 1965 between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. A cease-fire was established in September 1965. Indian Prime Minister, Lal Bhadur Shastri, and Pakistani President, M Ayub Khan, signed the Tashkent agreement on 1st January 1966. They resolved to try to end the dispute by peaceful means.

In 1971 civil war broke out in East Pakistan and Indian forces again fought the Pakistani forces in Kashmir. This resulted in a new cease-fire and the signing of the Shimla Agreement by Indira Ghandi and Z A Bhutto. The Shimla Agreement basically reiterated the promises made in Tashkent.

Since the 1971 war, the situation may have been described as stalemate with India in control of much the larger part of Kashmir, and doing everything to emphasis her claim de jur. However, the dream of freedom from India never died; it was only suppressed from time to time by the Indians by using puppet state governments. 

Guardian on 14th July 1970 reports that it is "ironic that India's position in Kashmir should be increasingly challenged from within at a time when Kashmir's status as a major unsettled international dispute is declining".

Hindustan Times of August 1970 reports, "In the Kashmir People's Convention held in Srinagar in the summer of 1970, but for a few feeble voices in our [India's] favour, most of the delegates favoured either accession to Pakistan or creation of an independent Kashmir".

The close of 1989 saw the beginning of the renewed struggle for freedom of Kashmir. The Kashmiris started to arm themselves to resist the Indian occupation. The then state government, headed by Dr Farooq Abdullah, was dissolved and the state placed in direct control of the governor. Since then the struggle for freedom and democracy has intensified.

Visit this web to know more about every thing about Kashmir occupied by India and also about Azad Kashmir. 
Amazing Tricks by Sadozai Family
Beautiful Shapes of Human Hands, Just Move your own hand look like given pictures, capture by web cam or camera, use some software for paint if possible, please don't use any type of paint on your hand, we share these pictures for entertainment, fun tricks purpose only.

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As we enter into a brand new financial year, there appears to be little chance of stopping the unprecedented growth of social media. By the close of 2011, Facebook had amassed 845 million active users worldwide, which showed a significant increase of 45 million in just three months since the previous financial quarter. Twitter was another social media website that continued to break new ground during 2011, as it was reported in September that the site had reached 100 million active global users. However, these figures do not tell the whole story when it comes to social media and the significant challenges that they are facing. To begin with, the market is beginning to reach the point of saturation, as Facebook prepares for a continued fall in its monthly user growth, while only 27% of global Twitter accounts were reported as being active between September 1st and November 30th last year. More significant than this, however, was the recent news that a New York job seeker was asked to provide his Facebook username and password for inspection during an interview. This raised further concerns over the misuse of social media, and the protection of each individual's privacy rights.

E-Recruitment and Social Media Screening: Taking a Step Too Far
While the use of social media to screen and hire applicants is nothing new, historically this has only been applied to public accounts that were without privacy restrictions. When e-recruitment rose in conjunction with increased social media usage in 2011, it became common practice for employers to review their applicants' public profiles as part of the hiring process, while the use of professional networking site LinkedIn allowed candidates to be recruited directly through social media interaction

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With more than 60% of all U.S. and U.K. Internet users active on Facebook, social media screening emerged as an insightful and time-effective method of confirming a candidate's suitability for a role. With no way of accessing an applicant's private account, employers were forced to either befriend their potential employee or conduct a more traditional evaluation of their attributes. However, now that public and private employers are looking to take a more direct and invasive approach, worried job seekers are facing up to an impossible choice that compromises either their opportunity to work or their privacy.

The Reaction: The Stance of Facebook and Individual Users
Privacy issues are nothing new with Facebook, which was criticized as being little more than a global photo identification database by research carried out in 2011. Despite this, they have taken a firm stance on this latest issue, by threatening to take legal action against any employers who force users to compromise their own online privacy. The sharing of sensitive account information violates the core principles of the Facebook user agreement, and could potentially end in lawsuits and counter lawsuits between account holders, employers and even the social media giants themselves.

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One of the main issues is the content that a Facebook password affords to employers. Not only would they be able to view an applicant's profile and timeline, but they would also be able to view private messages, conversations and deeply personal information about individual users and their family. If this information is accessed in the course of a failed application, the employer could be accused of discriminatory action. Aside from this, there is the wider issue that job seekers do not have the leverage that they need in a competitive employment market, with the result that many may agree to privacy violations under duress.

The Future for Facebook and Social Media as a Whole
U.S. lawmakers are also looking to take a stand on this issue, with the aim of protecting social media account holders from these invasive screenings. Senator Blumenthal has already began to develop legislation that opposes the practice of requesting job seekers' social media account details, which could well be introduced into the U.S. senate in the near future. A California state senator, LeLand Yee, is looking to create similar legislation for his own state, declaring the practice as unnecessary, unconstitutional and a gross invasion of privacy in the process.

Without swift action from lawmakers across the globe or Facebook themselves, the social media giant and its contemporaries could see their numbers of active users drop significantly over the next 12 months. After all, there have been reports of Facebook experiencing reduced growth in individual countries since 2010, and with more than 845 million active users, there is a danger that Facebook and similar social media outlets will soon reach their saturation points. Any significant threat to user and job seeker privacy could hinder growth further, and even encourage existing users to deactivate their accounts.

The Bottom Line
The reaction of U.S. lawmakers, Facebook users and the social media giant themselves suggest that there is growing concern for the freedom and privacy of job applicants with social media accounts. These personal rights are core to the fabric of any civilized nation, and no employer or organization should ever have the right to access the personal information of applicants and infringe on their privacy. Social media sites have a duty to protect users against the misuse of their personal information. Failure to uphold that duty may result in a significant reduction in the number of existing social media users, as well as diminished growth and a tarnished reputation for these websites.

Source: By: Lewis Humphries
After the great success in Turkey the 2010 drama Aiske Mumnu by Ay yapam is now presented by Urdu one with the name of Ishq Mamnu with Urdu Translation.

Now the character Behlool and Nehal are performing at the peak of their acting capabilities.The story of this drama is taken from a novel written by Halit zeya which was performed in modern day acting environment.This drama Ask-i-Memnu Was originally presented in Turkish language. Anyone can seen Aşkı Memnu 79.Bölüm Final, Full episodes of ask e memnu can be watched from youtube ishq memnu.

This drama is the story of a Broken Family due to some mismanagement in the family…………..Asq e Mohabbat Forbidden Love…….Adnan zia marries with samar ………..One the other side Muhammad and samar in love.Let see what this story would go towards.
Beren Saat started learning karate
Beren Saat "Revenge" called the American adaptation of the series, the new series of local "Revenge" came to the camp to.

Channel D's plans to bring the series to the screen every Thursday from January Time, sa ... vunma sports began to take lessons. Berkun Oya wrote the screenplay and directed the series will Eraslan Mesude time, many years later to avenge his father grew rich young woman named Efsun to revitalize the district.

Nejat Isler "Revenge" Array Transfer Happened!
Kanal D, which will appear in January, "Revenge" series cast clearer. Beren Saat and take part in the show earlier announced that Mahmoud Euphrates. Nejat Isler and Peters joined the cast of the series, all of you.

Beren Saat the series 'Efsun' character, Mert Firat 'Kerem' and Nejat Isler 'Wind' character to portray.
Saif Ali Khan, as far as Kareena Kapoor is concerned, is not just the perfect husband but also the perfect actor who can't be slotted in any genre. Besides, his intelligence and varied work make him stand out in Bollywood.

"Saif is a wonderful actor. He is a thinking actor who is way ahead of time. He does some great work, and he is an intelligent actor. He is fun also," Kareena told IANS in an exclusive interview.

"He does a Cocktail, an Omkara, an Agent Vinod - that's what Saif's USP is. He can never be slotted in any kind of genre. He is versatile. He is the only Khan, I feel... he is a very intelligent person," she added about her husband.

The couple tied the knot in elaborate wedding celebrations Oct 16 after a five-year relationship. But nothing has changed for her post-marriage.

"I don't think anything has changed. If you are in love and you are happy, then that's all that matters. I believe in the institution of marriage and it's like a tag to cement the relationship for your friends, family and public. And it is a celebration of the fact that Saif and I are in love and we want to spend our life together," said the 32-year-old.

Kareena says she has no plans to quit and hopes the notion that actresses have to fade away after marriage undergoes positive progression.

"I believe I am here to act. I am an actor. My professional life has nothing to do with my personal life and vice-versa. That is what I feel, but I can't change what others think. We talk about progression, so let's hope that India is progressing soon enough," she said.

Kareena, who has worked with all Khans - Shah Rukh, Salman, Aamir and Saif, of course, -- is busy promoting Talaash, in which she has reunited with her 3 Idiots co-star Aamir.

She can't stop heaping praises on this Khan either.

"Aamir is a tremendous actor and a wonderful person. I loved working with him. He is a perfectionist and he is a master of all. It is commendable that he is like that because I can't be like him. He aims to be a perfectionist and everything that he does is done with proper detailing," said Kareena, who boasts of a filmography of around 40 films done over a period of 12 years.

Work apart, the actress is also looking forward to her impending honeymoon.
It is going to be like their annual vacation, she says.

Kareena is wrapping up all her projects to go for a holiday with Saif in December.

"Saif is busy with all the other lovely ladies. I am (busy) shooting for my brand endorsement. We go for a holiday every December and we have been doing that forever; so we will do that this year too. I always go out with Saif for three to four weeks," she said.

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New Delhi, Nov. 3 -- Desi girl Priyanka Chopra's first international single, In My City, is sure getting her international fan following.

The latest to join the PC fan club is Jamaican singer Sean Paul. "PC is a stunner! I have heard In my city ... India is a talented country ... With such a single, PC sure does have fans worldwide. I like her and I'd love to meet her," the reggae singer told us.

Recently, Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias, too, said he's in awe of the 30-year-old actor. Asked about which Bollywood actress has his attention, he said, "Priyanka Chopra ... I got to meet her and also managed to see a few of her movies. I loved them! She is great and simply unbelievable."

Enrique also liked PC's debut song. "I also recently heard her single, it was pretty good. I enjoyed it," he said during his recent Bengaluru concert. It's not just singers who are all praise for Priyanka; Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt has fallen in love with PC's voice. "I came across Priyanka's new track and found the song very upbeat and refreshing. She is beautiful and extremely talented. The song is going on my iPod list," The Dark Knight Rises actor said recently. The compliment made Priyanka instantly tweet: "Thank u Joseph!"

If you're a guy reading this, please bear with me till the very end. If you're a girl, grab the closest guy friend around (probably stuck in your friend zone) and force him to read this. We all make mistakes, things that we’re ashamed of, things that we would most probably not do if someone was watching, but we do them anyway because that’s part of who we are.

The question I'm about to ask is directed towards men of all kind; chic, poor, cute, sexy, ugly, whatever. Can someone explain to me the concept behind howling or whistling at a girl walking in the street? Don't deny it, sit down and think of the last time you did that! Think of the last time you were driving your car and loudly stated your sexual attraction to a girl in the street, someone you don't know, and someone you probably wouldn’t have addressed in the first place if your mum or girlfriend were with you in the car.

Whether you were 16 or 32, I'm pretty sure you or someone you know have done that. The other day I was walking down the street in sweat pants (no, not yoga pants!), heading towards my car, and a really classy guy in a Benz howls at me. Like who the hell even does that anymore?! He howled and laughed, I'm pretty sure he wasn’t being sarcastic; I'm not ugly just in case you were wondering! I found it just as insulting as being verbally harassed a week ago at a traffic jam by some trucker. Regardless of what I thought, how that guy looked, or how embarrassed I was in the middle of the street, what was going on? Like what did that guy benefit from that howl? Did it sexually satisfy him? Is that what it took (wow!)? Did it relieve some sort of chest pain? Maybe an urge to clear his throat? Someone please answer this question for me because I don't seem to find any logic behind it! What do men gain out of loudly expressing their sexual attraction towards a woman they don’t know and most probably will never see again? We admit it’s flattering at times, like that other day when I was in my sweat pants, but most of the time we don't really like it. We feel objectified and cheap to be honest. So, what's up men?! What's the deal? Would you like it if someone howled like that at your sister? Cliché I know, but would you?

Would you like it if it were the other way around? Girls grabbing your man parts, calling you Hot Stuff out loud in the street, and winking at you in traffic? If you jut answered yes to these questions, you’re probably a howler so if you have the guts to whistle or howl at a stranger in the street, please feel free to answer this question: would you do it if you were abroad, and would you still do it if someone was watching? And if you're not that type of guy and you just think you wasted your time reading this article, if you saw a friend do it, would you tell him to stop or sit silently and wish you had? C’mon guys, mic is all yours, tell us what the hell is going on in that pretty little brain of yours!

Source: By: May Rostom (Very Interesting Article)
NEW DELHI: Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Wednesday said that the Indian government tried to reach to the family members of Mumbai terror attack accused Ajmal Kasab, who was hanged this morning in Pune s Yerwada jail. He also said that Kasab has been buried in the Yerwada jail premises itself. 'Kasab has been hanged to death today morning at Pune s jail. He was taken to Pune from Mumbai two days back. Kasab has been buried in Yerwada jail premises itself,' he said. On the decision of date of hanging, he said, 'The date of hanging was decided by the judge.

According to the rule book we tried to reach to the family members of Kasab in Pakistan,' he added. Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on Wednesday confirmed that Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone surviving Pakistani terrorist of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, was hanged at Pune s Yerwada Jail on Wednesday morning. He also said that India has not yet received any request from Pakistan to claim the Kasab s body.

'Indian mission in Islamabad informed Pakistan government about Kasab s hanging through letter. Pakistan refused to take the letter, which was then sent through fax,' he said. Kasab s mercy petition was rejected by President Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday night. Shortly thereafter, in the dead of the night, Kasab was shifted amid top secrecy and tight security to Pune s high-security Yerawada jail. On Wednesday morning, at 7.30 am, he was hanged in the jail premises after which a team of doctors declared him dead. Kasab s end came just five days before the fourth anniversary of the brutal terror attacks that killed 166 lives and injured 300.

The official flag the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir was adopted on 24th September 1975. The flag was adopted by the passing of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir State Flag Ordinance, 1975 by the then president, Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim Khan.
Symbolically the Flag represents following aspects of Azad Jammu and Kashmir;

  • The Three Fourth green background represents 75% Muslim population of the State of Jammu and Kashmir
  • One-Fourth Orange (Golden) colour represents 25% minorities of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

  • The Green stripes represent the Valley of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • The White stripes represent the snow-covered mountains of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • The Crescent is the usual semblance of the State of  Jamu and Kashmir
Sadozai dynasty
The Sadozai are one of the most important groups in Afghan political history and have produced many of the country's rulers. The Sadozai rose to power with the death of Persian King Nadir Shah in 1747, at which time the Sadozai tribesman Ahmad Shah Abdali (Durrani) became the founder of modern Afghanistan and the founder of the Sadozai dynasty. After Ahmad Shah's death in 1773, the dynasty was continued by his son Timur Shah (ruled 1773-1793), his son Zaman Shah (1793-1800), his brother Mahmud Shah (1800-1803), his brother Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk (1803-1809), and his brother Mahmud Shah (1809-1817).

The year 1817 marked the end of the Sadozai dynasty over the whole of Afghanistan, though not the end of regional Sadozai rulers. Mahmud Shah continued to rule from Herat until 1829, followed by the reign of his son Kamran until 1841. Kandahar and Kabul had fallen under the control of independent rulers in 1817, though the Sadozai Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk ruled briefly again in both places from 1839-1841 thanks to the British intervention in the First Anglo-Afghan War. The Muhammadzai Barakzai tribesman Dost Muhammad Khan eventually succeeded in asserting his authority over all three cities in 1863, and his Muhammadzai dynasty lasted until the 1978 assassination of Muhammad Daud, the brother of Afghanistan's last king, Zahir Shah.

The Sadozai hiatus from power during the century-plus Muhammadzai dynasty continued during the period of communist rule, the post-war/post-Najibullah years, and the reign of the Taliban from the mid-1990s till 2001. Though they were traditionally the Khan Khel of the Popalzai, they saw their power further diminish as the leadership of the Popalzai went not to a Sadozai but a Shamizai tribesman by the name of Abdul Ahad Karzai.

Hamid Karzai, one of his sons, became Popalzai leader when Abdul Ahad was assassinated in 1999. When the Taliban leadership was overthrown, the Popalzai were finally able to regain national power via Hamid Karzai, who was named the chairman of an interim transitional administration by the December 2001 Bonn Agreement. He later became the interim president of the transitional administration, and was finally elected president of Afghanistan in 2004, followed by his reelection in 2009.
In Pashtun genealogy, tribes or subtribes are said to be the descendants of a common ancestor. For instance, Abdali tribesmen are said to be the progeny of Abdali (Bor Tarin), whose lineage can be traced directly to Qais Abdur Rashid, the legendary founder of the Pashtuns.

The Sadozai trace their line back to an actual historical figure, Sado (born 1558), who was made chief of the some 12,000 Abdali families living about Kandahar. He aligned himself politically with the Safavid ruler Shah 'Abbas I, who named him the "lord of the Afghans" and charged with securing the Herat-Kandahar road. He also helped the Safavid ruler to retake Kandahar in 1622, for in 1595 it had fallen into Mughal hands.
Sudhnoti was the main site from where struggle against dogras and British imperialists was made. It remained the capital of Azad Kashmir and Jammu before it was shifted to Muzafferabad. It was named Sudhnoti in 2000 as a new district of Azad Kashmir and Jammu in the honour of the Sudhen tribe.

The district is divided into four tehsils
  • Balouch Tehsil
  • Trarkhal Tehsil
  • Mang Tehsil
  • Palandri Tehsil
Sudhnati has a population of 242,000.
Sadozai is martial tribe originating from Pashtun areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan and also settled Sudhnoti, Poonch, Bagh and Kotli districts of Azad Kashmir, the tribe own rich history of bravery and major rule in Afghanistan and Azad Kashmir's history.

In Pashtun genealogy, tribes or subtribes are said to be the descendants of a common ancestor. For instance, Abdali tribesmen are said to be the progeny of Abdali (Bor Tarin), whose lineage can be traced directly to Qais Abdur Rashid, Bani Israeli the legendary founder of the Pashtuns.
The Sadozai trace their line back to an actual historical figure, Sado, who was made chief of the some 12,000 Abdali families living about Kandahar. Sadozai who moved to Kashmir were desendants of Jassi Khan of Ghazni, and his troops, an warrior who invaded Kashmir, some centuries ago and he was also the person who was later given the name of Sudhan by locals of Kashmir region.He aligned himself politically with the Safavid ruler Shah 'Abbas I, who named him the "lord of the Afghans" and charged with securing the Herat-Kandahar road. He also helped the Safavid ruler to retake Kandahar in 1622, for in 1595 it had fallen into Mughal hands.


Sadozai Dynasty

The Sadozai are one of the most important groups in Afghan and Azad Kashmir political history have produced many of the countries rulers. The Sadozai rose to power with the death of Persian King Nadir Shah in 1747, at which time the Sadozai tribesman Ahmad Shah Abdali (Sadozai) became the founder of modern Afghanistan and the founder of the Sadozai dynasty. After Ahmad Shah's death in 1773, the dynasty was continued by his son Timur Shah (ruled 1773-1793), his son Zaman Shah (1793-1800), his brother Mahmud Shah (1800-1803), his brother Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk (1803-1809), and his brother Mahmud Shah (1809-1817). In Azad Kashmir, Sardar Ibrahim Khan (Sadozai) became founder and first president of Azad Kashmir, and soon after more then 5 Sadozai members served as Presidents of Azad Kashmir.


The year 1817 marked the end of the Sadozai dynasty over the whole of Afghanistan, though not the end of regional Sadozai rulers. Mahmud Shah continued to rule from Herat until 1829, followed by the reign of his son Kamran until 1841. Kandahar and Kabul had fallen under the control of independent rulers in 1817, though the Sadozai Shah Shuja-ul-Mulk ruled briefly again in both places from 1839-1841 thanks to the British intervention in the First Anglo-Afghan War. The Muhammadzai Barakzai tribesman Dost Muhammad Khan eventually succeeded in asserting his authority over all three cities in 1863, and his Muhammadzai dynasty lasted until the 1978 assassination of Muhammad Daud, the brother of Afghanistan's last king, Zahir Shah.

The Sadozai hiatus from power during the century-plus Muhammadzai dynasty continued during the period of communist rule, the post-war/post-Najibullah years, and the reign of the Taliban from the mid-1990s till 2001. Though they were traditionally the Khan Khel of the Popalzai, they saw their power further diminish as the leadership of the Popalzai went not to a Sadozai but a Shamizai tribesman by the name of Abdul Ahad Karzai.

Sadozai tribe living in Kashmir is locally known
as Sudhan is an martial tribe from Sudhanoti, Poonch, Bagh, Kotli districts of Azad Kashmir. The tribe is known for his bravery and greatest share in the subsequent fighting and sacrifices for Kashmir’s history. The tribe has moved from Afghanistan to Kashmir region. The Sadozai living Azad Kashmir are traditionally descendants of Jassi Khan, an Sadozai figure who moved to Kashmir some centuries ago along with his Sadozai troops.

Sadozai tribe living in Azad Kashmir is a tribe of professional fighters and soldiers. They are a brave and self respecting people. They can be easily made to resort to Arms for a cause. They, some time, differ with one another, in ordinary life, but just as much easily and quickly get together in times of crises. In social life they follow time old customs and traditions, which may not be easily acceptable to a modern man but these traditions have a good basis and a good background. Though conservative in their thinking, basically they are a religious people, God fearing and believing tenaciously in God and His existence. Sadozai possess a good physical appearance and some of them could be classed as one of the most handsome of human race.

It is said that some 500 years or so ago Sadozai in western parts of Poonch (now in Azad Kashmir) and fought for their existence, but the local people dominated them. In this period, they multiplied quickly and emerged into a strong and powerful tribe called. Jassi Khan, an Afghan Sadozai warrior, first attacked Kotli, in the Murree hills with his powerfull Pashtun army men. Another tribe held the opposite bank of the Jhelum and was tyrannised over the locals of that area, the locals called in the Jassi Khan, Sadozai to their aid. The Sadozai having defeated the tribe, seized their country and named it Sudhanoti, it was at this time that they took the title of Sudhan, The Sudhan which originates fron Sanskirt langauge, meaning "just and fair" this name was an honorary name given to their Afghan ancestors; Nawab Jassi Khan and his battlelion. which they had earned as a compliment to their valour from the locals. In this period, they multiplied quickly and emerged into a strong and powerful tribe. Shrine of Jassi Khan can be found at Jessa Peer, near Mang and Sudhan betka organized by Jassi Khan can be found at Holar in Kotli.

Sadozai had never reconciled the Dogra and Sikh rule on their homeland because of their Pashtun decent and traditional links with people of eastern Afghanistan.

Sikhs and Dogras had to fight the Sadozai in wars spread Over a fairly long time. Sadozai resisted the Sikhs and Dogra, till powerful armies of Sikhs and Dogras subjugated them and committed unheard of atrocities on them. But they have survived as a tribe to the present day. This happened between 1830-1840, much before the Treaty of Amritsar, which was concluded in 1846.

When Sadozais were defeated, in 1837, the Dogras imprisoned as many as five thousand women and children and as many men were ruthlessly beheaded. Their heads were presented to the Dogras barbaric forces against five rupees per head. This cutting of heads and their sale continued for a period of two months or so. In order to suppress these people for ever, the Dogra forces flayed alive their leaders. As many as twenty people were flayed alive. They were refused even a drop of water. Their bodies were hanged from trees. Some of these trees are still there to bear witness to these ghastly events. As far as one can see and judge world history, such atrocious events could not be easily found in the history of any Land.

In 1837, tribal chief of Sadozai tribe, Shams Khan started a war against the Dogras in the hill region of Poonch and there were bloody rebbelions between Sadozai tribesmen and Dogra army in the 18th century. Because of the independent identity of their homeland as a princely state, formidable mountain barriers, and districts ethnic characteristics, there interaction between the inhabitants of Poonch and those of the adjoining areas of the State; their traditional links were with the North-West Frontier Province and eastern Afghanistan. Shams Khan, who was chief of Sadozai tribe, Shams Khan had rose a war against Dogra, Gulab Singh’s forces, Sudhan tribemen braverly defeated the Dogras and libearted their areas from Dogra, but Sikh empire attacked Sadozai tribemens from Kahuta, Punjab gave currency to a rumour that both of them had been killed in a battle. Sabz Ali Khan and Malli Khan along many other Sadozai leaders of the revolt, who were captured and flayed alive at Mang.

18th century to 19th century, Poonch was one of the major recruiting grounds for the British Army, beacuse Sadozai people would always think of themselves as fightersa and there were no economic opportunities and inadequate landholdings in this area. So, most of them fought alongside the British, unlike other Kashmiri Muslims, who had enough land to till and were involved in economic activities. Sudhan had military and combat skills. This brings us to the last great war and Sudhans history.

This war gave Sadozai a great chance to fight on all fronts of the war. They fought in North Africa and Europe all over. Against the Japanese, they fought in Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia and other fronts. After Sadozai came back from war fronts, Indo-I’akistan continent was witnessing a unique political struggle and was on the verge of independence. This struggle for independence affected every big or small town. A new age was emerging with a brilliance never witnessed for ages before. Sadozais were thus affected by the magnificent struggle for freedom. Dogra rule seemed miserably crumbling along with the British Raj, where the sun never set for two hundred years or so. Filled with a spirit of new urge to be free, the Sadozais, like all Kashmiri patriots, were ready to do their part in freedom struggle. In fact they were the first to challenge the Maharaja and his armies all over the state.

In 1947, Dogra rulers were once again threatened by Sardar Ibrahim Khan, 32 year old Sadozai from Rawalakot, who organized army of 60.000 ex-serviesmen from Sadozai tribe to fight the Dogra, there were 60,000 Sudhans who had served in the British Army. Poonch was one of the major recruiting grounds for the British. These Sadozai people own Pathan origin and would always think of themselves as fighters. There were no economic opportunities and inadequate landholdings in this area. So, most of them fought alongside the British, unlike Kashmiri Muslims, who had enough land to till and were involved in economic activities. Sudhan had military and combat skills. toegether with Pakistani Pathan (Pashtun) tribemen, it was Sadozai who libarated ‘Azad Kashmir’.