Dear Men: We Demand an Explanation! | 2:47 PM | 0 comments

If you're a guy reading this, please bear with me till the very end. If you're a girl, grab the closest guy friend around (probably stuck in your friend zone) and force him to read this. We all make mistakes, things that we’re ashamed of, things that we would most probably not do if someone was watching, but we do them anyway because that’s part of who we are.

The question I'm about to ask is directed towards men of all kind; chic, poor, cute, sexy, ugly, whatever. Can someone explain to me the concept behind howling or whistling at a girl walking in the street? Don't deny it, sit down and think of the last time you did that! Think of the last time you were driving your car and loudly stated your sexual attraction to a girl in the street, someone you don't know, and someone you probably wouldn’t have addressed in the first place if your mum or girlfriend were with you in the car.

Whether you were 16 or 32, I'm pretty sure you or someone you know have done that. The other day I was walking down the street in sweat pants (no, not yoga pants!), heading towards my car, and a really classy guy in a Benz howls at me. Like who the hell even does that anymore?! He howled and laughed, I'm pretty sure he wasn’t being sarcastic; I'm not ugly just in case you were wondering! I found it just as insulting as being verbally harassed a week ago at a traffic jam by some trucker. Regardless of what I thought, how that guy looked, or how embarrassed I was in the middle of the street, what was going on? Like what did that guy benefit from that howl? Did it sexually satisfy him? Is that what it took (wow!)? Did it relieve some sort of chest pain? Maybe an urge to clear his throat? Someone please answer this question for me because I don't seem to find any logic behind it! What do men gain out of loudly expressing their sexual attraction towards a woman they don’t know and most probably will never see again? We admit it’s flattering at times, like that other day when I was in my sweat pants, but most of the time we don't really like it. We feel objectified and cheap to be honest. So, what's up men?! What's the deal? Would you like it if someone howled like that at your sister? Cliché I know, but would you?

Would you like it if it were the other way around? Girls grabbing your man parts, calling you Hot Stuff out loud in the street, and winking at you in traffic? If you jut answered yes to these questions, you’re probably a howler so if you have the guts to whistle or howl at a stranger in the street, please feel free to answer this question: would you do it if you were abroad, and would you still do it if someone was watching? And if you're not that type of guy and you just think you wasted your time reading this article, if you saw a friend do it, would you tell him to stop or sit silently and wish you had? C’mon guys, mic is all yours, tell us what the hell is going on in that pretty little brain of yours!

Source: By: May Rostom (Very Interesting Article)


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